Make 2020 great by securing your self-care

My name is Jenise La Vonne Wright and I AM AN INTROVERT.

This may come as a surprise to many of you as you have probably seen me sing and working as a leader in ministry for years. The truth of the matter is I am indeed an introvert that typically THRIVES late at night when the house is quiet, and I am left completely alone with my thoughts and creative ideas. Every piece of content (music, books, blog, YouTube videos etc.) that I’ve released was probably birthed in a quiet solitary place.

One of the first things my husband noticed about me as we were dating was that I was a home body. He assumed that because I am a musician that I was a socialite, actively involved in the gospel music scene. To clarify, I am strongly involved in the gospel music scene but not as many would imagine. I know a lot of people; I’ve been blessed to go many places and I’ve had some pretty cool experiences but where I abide and flourish the most is alone in my room.

Self-care for me is essential, unfortunately it has not always been something that’s priority. I recognized that when there is a lot on my plate the first things to be sacrificed is the time I’ve set aside for myself. As I grow older, now married and with even more responsibility I am making it a point to truly take care of ME because let’s be honest, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Here are a few tips for creating and maintaining your self-care routine.

  1. Identify your preferred life-giving activities. What are life giving activities Jenise? I am so glad you asked. Life giving activities consist of things that spark joy and creativity within your soul. You can do them at any time of the day and immediately be perked up, inspired and replenished. If you cannot identify what makes you happy, brings joy and invokes creativity you will forever have a difficult time as you will find yourself looking to things and people to make you happy.
  2. As I was praying and seeking God on how to effectively recharge and stop sacrificing my self-care, I felt God lay on my heart to plan my rest first. Work is guaranteed to get done because it is what pays the bills. Rest unfortunately easily becomes disposable if we do not prioritize it. Women are MASTERS at sacrificing their own self care for the sake of their families. This is a terrible pattern because women set the emotional tone of the home. If Mama is crazy, angry and unsettled 9 times out of 10 the rest of the family is as well. Rest is just as important as work, so from now on make it a priority because truth be told if we never rested, we wouldn’t have the capacity to work. So inevitably, rest pays the bills too. Bloop!
  3. Share your need and the benefits of self-care with your husband and those closest to you. This can be hard for some because being around your family and loved ones can be one of those things that give you life. However, time alone is necessary for EVERYONE. We all need time to reflect and recharge alone. The best love you can give to your family comes from a place within you that is well rested, full and at peace.

Don’t allow your ever-growing to-do lists, work and home life be an excuse to slack on your self-care. Never ever forget that self- care necessary, not just for recharging but also for being refilled and reconnecting with God.

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exodus 20-8-11

In the comments below, share with me how you recharge and maintain your self-care.


  1. Anonymous
    December 27, 2019 / 5:14 pm

    Thanks so much for your article…You bless me every time! Love always Mom❤

    • Jenise La Vonne
      December 27, 2019 / 6:01 pm

      I love you Mommy!! Xoxo

  2. Sharon Robinson
    December 27, 2019 / 7:22 pm

    Beautifully put Jenise. Rest is essential for our well-being. I love this. You definitely cant serve from an empty cup! You go girl. Get that rest!!!

    • Jenise La Vonne
      December 28, 2019 / 11:50 pm

      Yes!!! It is indeed essential and I just pray that our community especially really learn the art of intentional rest! Love you and thank you for reading!

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